5 - 5 - Subject specific science, Childbirth A Global Perspective

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So now we're going to talk about howthese principles of multisensory teachingcan be applied in different subject areas.And the first area we're going totalk about is science, and here,I think ... with all contentsubjects across the curriculum, itcan sometimes be a surprise to teachers,even the subject teachers themselves,how much the subject dependson both language and literacy.So really, across the content areas,an individual with dyslexiaboth in primary and secondary school, isgoing to have potential barriers, even ifthis is a subject where actually they havea lot of aptitude for the basic concepts.So as teachers, andthose supporting a student,we really need to help - kind ofclear the way a little bit, orkind of reduce ... the literacy ...language demands so that the student canreally kind of show their potential inthe subject matter and enjoy it as wellso ... that the literacydoesn't become a barrier.And so, thinking about science, andit can be biology, chemistry, physics -any aspect of science - clearlythe terminology used inscience is actually very heavyin terms of the language load:lots of quite long, multisyllabic words,are often being introduced year on year,which, and sometimes they may sound quitesimilar because they may have similarroots so students are having to learnto differentiate words that lookquite similar and also may have similarbut quite subtly different meanings.So you've got a loss of language there - all of these words have to be bothlearned in terms of the correctsound of phonological form andthe letters ... also then have tobe spelled correctly, potentially.So ... we've got that language load, also,if you think about some ofthe instructions that are given in sciencetextbooks in terms of,experimental design, so ... you'reexplaining things and describing things,maybe distilling different substances.So there's also these lesssubject-specific wordsthat students are again having toremember exactly what they mean, andit can be a barrier to themshowing their true knowledge.So that those are issues also ... ifteachers are giving instructions in class,there's a memory load ... soscience is actually rife with language, sothinking about ways that we can,... kind of help reduce the languageload ... is imperative really.And ... also quite straightforward when youlink it to what we knowabout multisensory teaching.So, for example, don't just rely ongiving verbal auditory instructions,always have things either on worksheets to accompany in written form.Or, on a blackboard or a whiteboard, sothat you've got both the auditory andthe visual forms of the information.Try and make sure that instructions aresequenced into short, manageable chunks.And again, make sure that studentshave access to ... the sequence, sothat they don't have to keep it all inmind, that they can go back and look.You also want to, if possible, makesure that students can have someprior warning of the the topic that'sgoing to be discussed or the the textthat's going to be looked at so thatthey've got time to do some preprocessing.They ... can look at key words,use some metacognitive strategies aboutwhat they might need to be able toaccess the meaning in the text. Sothese these are just a few ideas.And also, realizing that in terms of theterminology, students with dyslexia willneed more exposure and more repetitionof those ... technological orlonger terms, to really make them stick.So you can have in subtle ways ... ... 'word walls' where these words areprominently displayed so that they're,... getting repetitive exposure.And also don't be afraidto differentiatethe written demands or get a bit creativeabout how knowledge is demonstrated.Perhaps you could try something whererather than students having todemonstrate their knowledge ofan experiment through a written report,maybe they could do a videodocumentation or use aPowerPoint presentation,or an audio report.Certainly even within academic sciencethere are now visual journals whereactually you can submit a video,rather than a written report.So, try this out with students and, again,find ways to help the students shine. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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