500+Basic+Hebrew+Words, Języki obce, Hebrajski i Jidysz הערבראַדזשסקי און ייִדיש
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] 500 Basic Hebrew Words }y")/}iya) Óayin / Óēn is not, non existence, nothing $yi) Ós man |a) Óak only lk) Ókl eat le) Ó½l towards la) Óal not l") Óēl god hL") Óell½ these aHowlE) Ó ½ lō a h god {yiholE) Ó ½ lōhm god, gods vele) Óal½f thousand {i) Óim if {") Óēm mother hfmf) Óāmā (maid), servant hfMa) Óammā forearm, cubit hfnUmE) Ó ½ mnā faithfulness, trustworthiness rm) Ómr say tmE) Ó ½ m½t faithfulness yinA) Ó a n I yikonf) Óanok I Vs) Ósf gather (food), collect Va) Óaf also, even Va) Óaf nose, anger hf(fB:ra) / (aB:ra) Óarba‛ / Óarbā‛ā four {yi(fB:ra) Óarbā‛m (See also German version: áHebr½isch Î GrundwortschatzÐ) ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer www.kreuzer-siegfried.de (This list contains the 500 most frequent and most important words of the Old Te stament / Hebrew Bible and is intended to help you keeping up your Hebrew. The transcription follows the rules of ZAW). bf) Óāb father db) Óbd Q. perish; Pi., Hi. ruin hb) Óbh be willing }ebe) Ó½b½n stone }owdf) Óādōn master, lord yfnodA) Ó a dōnāy lord {fdf) Óādām man, mankind, people hfmfdA) Ó a dāmā (arable) soil b"hf) Óhb like, love leho) Óoh½l tent row) Óōr shine, light up row) Óōr light tow) Óōt sign zf) Óāz then !z,a Óoz½n ear xf) Óā¬ brother dfxe) ݬād one forty towxf) Óa¬t sister }owrA) Ó a rn chest, ark of the covenant raxa) Óa¬ar later on, afterwards jere) Ó½r½ ground, country, territory, the earth r"xf) Óa¬ēr another, different y"rAxa) Óa¬ a r after rr) Órr curse tyirAxa) Óah a rt end, behind, issue, the future $") ÓēĀ fire b"yo) Óoyēb enemy hf<i) ÓiĀĀā woman liya) Óayil ram re$A) Ó a Ā½r relative clause Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 1 t") Óet together with, along with rf&fB bāśār flesh t") Óet accusative particle taB bat daughter hfTa) Óattā you (sg.) {eTa) Óatt½m you (pl.) l)g gÓl redeem Hbg gbh be high/tall, be exalted :B b e in, at, because of, by way of lUb:G g e bl boundary, territory degeB b½g½d garment, covering rowBiG gibbr hero, fighter dab ( :l ) (l e )bad to be alone, only lowdfG gādl great hfm"h:B b e hēmā cattle, animals ldg gdl be, become great/strong yowg gy )owb bÓ Q. enter, come to Hi bring (conduct, lead) in people, nation )yaG gayÓ valley rowB br cistern, water pit {aG gam also rxb b¬r choose, elect r"g gēr sojourner x+b b¬ be reliant, trust ¦¦$rg grĀ drive out }yb byn Q., Hi. to understand }y"B ben between qbd dbq cling, cleave to tiyaB bayit house rbd dbr speak hkb bkh weep rfbfD dābār word, matter, affair rok:B b e kor first-born $ab:D d e baĀ honey yiT:liB/yil:B b e l/bilt without rowD dr generation hfmfB bama hill, high-place, place of worship {fD dām blood \ereD d½r½k way, road }"B ben son $rd drĀ seek, inquire of hnb bnh build da(ab baÒad for, for the benefit of ¬¬¬ ah h- the (definite article) rfqfB bqr cattle Ah h a - interrogative particle reqoB boq½r morning )Uh hÓ he $qb bqĀ seek )yih hÓ she )rb brÓ create (god exclusively) hyh hyh occur, happen tyir:B b e rt covenant, arrangement lfky"h hkāl palace, temple \rb brk Pi. bless \lh hlk go hfkfr:B b e rākā blessing llh hll Pi. praise Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 2 {"h/hfM"h hem(mā) they hyx ¬yh be alive {yiYax ¬ayyim life liyax ¬ayil faculty, power {kx ¬km be wise {fkfx ¬ākām wise hfm:kfx ¬ŏkmā wisdom {owlAx ¬ a lm dream {lx ¬lm to dream hfm"x ¬ēmā rage, wrath hf<imfx/$"mfx ¬āmēĀ/ ¬ a miĀĀa five {yi<imAx ¬ a miĀĀim h"Nih/}"h hen/hinne behold! rah har mountain(s) grh hrg kill hrh hrh be, become pregnant :w w e and to)z zōt this (sg. f.) xbz zb¬ to sacrifice, slaughter xb;z , z½ba¬ (communion) sacrifice fifty hz< z½ this (sg. m.) }"x ¬ēn favour, grace bh'z" zāhāb gold hnx ¬nh encamp rkz zkr remember, call to mind }nx ¬nn to favour hnz znh be unfaithful, commit fornication desex ¬½s½d prove loyal, solidarity j"pfx ¬f/¬āfē take pleasure in, take care off q(c/q(z z‛q/‛q cry out, call for help yicAx ¬ a half !qez; zqn/zāqēn be old, grow old r"cfx ¬āēr court [r;z< z½ra‛ seed, descendant(s) hfQux/qox ¬oq/¬uqqā regulation, prescription berex ¬½r½b (short) sword gax/gfx ¬āg/¬ag feast $rx ¬r to plough ^$fdfx ¬ādāĀ new $rx ¬r Q. be deaf Hi. be silent ¦¦$edox ¬od½Ā (new) moon, month hwx ¬wh HiĀt. honor, adore hfmowx ¬mā wall b+y/bO+ b/yb be good, be pleasant jUx ¬ outside, street bO+ b good hzx ¬zh see, behold qzx ¬zq Q. grow strong, firm Hi. seize, take hold of ro):y y e Óor river (mostly: Nile) $by ybĀ dry up, wither qz"x' ¬āzāq firm, strong dfy yād hand, power )+x ¬Ó miss, offend, commit a sin hdy ydh Hi. praise t)f=ax/):+"x ¬e/¬aāt offence, sin (dy yd‛ (get to) know yax ¬ay alive, living Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 3 {owy ym day } UK kn Ni. be firm, be established Hi. make ready, prepare }iyay yayin wine axok ko a ¬ lky ykl be able, have it in oneÓs power strength, power dly yld Q. bear, Hi. procreate yiK k therefore, because -lfK/loK kol/kŏl deley y½l½d child the whole, all hlk klh {fy yām sea Q. be completed, cease Pi. bring to an end, finish }yimfy yāmn right hand, the right side yil:K k e l vessel vsy ysf Q., Hi. add, continue }"K ken thus j(y y‛ advise, give an advise vfnfK kānāf )cy yÓ Q. go out, come forth Hi. cause to go forth, bring forth wing )"SiK kissēÓ throne hsk ksh Pi. cover qcy yq pour out veseK k½s½f silver (the metal) rcy yr form, shape vak kaf palm, flat of the hand )"rfy yrÓ to fear rpk kpr Pi. make expiation hf):riy yirÓā fear, reverence trk krt Q. cut off, make a covenant Hi. cut off, destroy dry yrd descend, go down btk ktb $ry yrĀ Q. take possession of, inherit Hi. drive away write $"y yēĀ existence, there is, it exists :l l e for, concerning b$y yĀb sit, dwell )ol lōÓ not a(U&:y y e s a ‛ (acts of) help bfb"l/b"l lēb/lēbāb heart ($y yĀ‛ help, save {xl l¬m Ni. fight rf$fy yāĀār straight, right, upright {exel l½¬½m bread rty ytr Ni. remain, Hi. leave over hfl:yal laylā night dkl lkd catch, seize :K k e as dml lmd learn d"bfk kbd Q. be heavy, weighty Pi. honour xql lq¬ take }ow$fl lāĀn tongue, language dowbfK kābd splendour &ebeK k½b½ś lamb, young ram do):M m e Óod very hoK ko thus hf)"m meÓā hundred }"hoK kohēn priest s)m mÓs reject, despise Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 4 }"gfm māgēn shield hfCam maā unleavened bread $fr:gim migrāĀ pasture-ground hfw:cim miwā commandment(s) rfB:dim midbār wilderness {owqfm māqm place hfm mā what? he):ram marÓ½ appearance d"(owm moÒēd appointed time )f>am maśśāÓ burden, utterance tUm mt Q. die, Hi. kill x$m mĀ¬ anoint tewfm maw½t death axyi$fm māĀ a ¬ anointed ax"b:zim mizb e a¬ altar }fk:$im miĀkān dwelling-place rowm:zim mizmr song, psalm l$m mĀl rule henAxam ma¬ a n½ encampment lf$fm māĀāl proverbial saying he=am ma½ staff, rod, tribe hfxfp:$im miĀpā¬ā (larger) family, clan yim m who? +fp:$im miĀpa (legal) decision, justice {iyam mayim water, waters rkm mkr sell )fn naÓ now! come! )"lfM mlÓ be full, be accomplished {u):n n e Óum utterance (of god) |f):lam malÓāk messenger, angel v)n nÓf commit adultery hfk)fl:m m e lāÓkā sending, labour, work )yibfn nābÓ prophet hfmfx:lim mil¬āmā fight, battle begen n½g½b south, the south-country +lp/+lm ml/pl Ni. save oneself, escape Pi. save dgn ngd Hi. make known, report, tell degen n½g½d in front of |lm mlk be king, to reign (gn ng‛ touch, hurt a person |elem m½l½k king $gn ngĀ Q., Ni. draw near, approach Hi. bring, bring near t Uk:lam malkt royal power, reign hfkfl:mam mamlākā kingdom, dominion rdn ndr vow }im min from, off rfhfn nāhār river hfx:nim min¬ā gift, present axUn n a ¬ rest rfp:sim mispār number sUn ns flee +a(:m m e ‛a few, a little lfxfn nā¬āl wadi, torrent la(am maÓal on the top of, above hflAxan na¬ a lā hereditary property }a(am ma‛an for the sake of, in order that Un:xan na¬n we he&A(am ma‛ a ś½ deed te$ox:n ne¬oĀ½t copper, bronze )cm mÓ find h+n nh Q. extend, incline Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 Basic Hebrew Vocabulary 500 ¨ Siegfried Kreuzer 1990/2004 5
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