4 - 3 - Vision, Childbirth A Global Perspective
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] So another part of the dyslexiaconstellation is vision andthis is a intriguing connection betweenvision and reading, because obviouslymany conceptions of dyslexia are thatthere is a primarily visual problem.And this is certainly ... when dyslexia was firstdescribed scientificallyaround the turn of the century itwas definitely the visual symptomsthat were commonly reported.But what ... the current conceptualizationof dyslexia is now that actuallythe visual part of the constellationis not typically the primary cause.although, for some people, it can bean almost equal part of the profilecausing significant problems. But, as wetalked about in the audition segment,vision, even though it sounds likea nice simple two-syllable word,is an incredibly complex process.So trying to work out exactly whereeither the level of breakdown orwhere the interaction withphonology is happening,is an incredibly difficult task.And so, again, a,a large army of researchers overdecades have been trying to refineour knowledge of this connection.And certainly our knowledge ... is advancing rapidlyalthough we don't havethe whole picture yet.And so I'm going to talk about,just mention, some of ... the mainkind of approaches towards vision thatyou may encounter in the current time.So, ... one line of inquiryhas looked at the role ofvisual stress in relation to dyslexia.So, this is the idea that for some peoplewith dyslexia, there's a specificproblem in seeing,highly contrastive symbols ...... for example, black characterson a very white background.And that ... the contrast sensitivity here... for some people,high levels of contrast are really hard,in terms of them processingthe text in a meaningful way.And so, this is one approachthat's actually used, is morediscussed in Europe andthe UK, as opposed to the USA.But there are the accompanyingremediation techniques forthis is providing peoplewith either (colored) lenses ontheir glasses (covered) with colors,sometimes individualized for... the individual person'skind of contrast sensitivity.or colored overlays that cango over a highly contrastive text -that seems to reduce ... the amount of visual stress.And so individuals have definitelyreported benefits from ...... these interventions,although the research evidence, andthe evidence based behind them,is still a bit mixed in terms ofthe efficacy across the broadgroup of people with dyslexia.Another approach that'sbeen taken is looking atpossible underlying neural causes.And so, there's a theory calledthe 'magnocellular' theorywhich is a comprehensivetheory that looks at -which really takes ... eye movements andmotion perception difficulties thatsome people with dyslexia report,and really looked at what might bethe underlying mechanisms there.Again, although in many waysthis makes intuitive sense,the evidence base is slightlymixed in this area, sowe don't know whether this is cause oreffect for people with dyslexia.And then another area of visionthat's actually received a lotof attention in the last few yearsis the idea of visual attention.So here, we're talking about ... clearlya process that's quite removed from the... peripheral activities of visualprocessing at the eye level;and this is a much more cognitivelevel of processing where the brainis really deciding ... 'what do I attendto?' although (at) a very subconscious level.You're not aware of thesedecisions as it's happening.But there's been some convincing evidence,especially from a researcher in Italy,Facoetti, suggesting that actuallythis high level of visual processing,... may be issues again fora proportion of people with dyslexia.And to actually look at thisin more detail I worked withmy close collaborator Dr. Matthew Schnepsat Harvard, and ... we werelooking at visual attention in a groupof secondary school students in America.And the way that we looked at thiswas actually to hypothesize that, ifaspects of visual attentionare a key problem for you,you might actually find it easier to readon a - with - a smaller window of text.So we actually contrasted students reading fairly considerablelengths of text on a smart phone device,which has a small window of text,compared to a tablet-sized devicewhich is a bit larger and has the samekind of electronic motivation, as well assome traditional straightforward paper.We did find that for a subgroup ofstudents who had a a reduced visual span... how much they could attend to ina short amount of time visually,they were actuallycomprehending better andshowing greater readingfluency on the smartphone.So, this is intriguing.It's important with this finding,though, to realize that it was ...we had an interaction effect,which means that for students ofslightly higher ability, actually readingon the smartphone was actively unhelpful.So this isn't a piece of advicewe can just give to everyone, andI think some of you in the audience mayhave a feeling that actually foryou, or other people you know,reading on a smartphone canactually feel quite uncomfortable andquite a hindrance to comprehension.So I think actuallytechnology is interesting inthis regard because it actually givesus many new visual affordances, andways we can manipulate text visually.And so I think, actually,it's a critical time forvision researchers looking at reading anddyslexia, because I think wehave a big task on our hands to workout for different individuals, what'sthe ultimate kind of visual presentationof text that's going to be ideal.And ... I think all of us vary inour visual perceptual strengths andweaknesses.And so for all of us, there's going tobe an interesting interaction there.And we may find certain presentationsof text easier or harder.So this is going to be somethingto look out for in the futureand it may really impact the relationshipbetween readers and text.
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