5 - 6 - Individualization, Childbirth A Global Perspective

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So as we come to the end of week four,we just wanted to mention some additionalprinciples that should be borne in mindwhen you're considering the multisensoryapproaches that Vincent has been talkingabout as a large part of this week.Because, while a systematic and intensivemultisensory phonics approach isgoing to work successfully withoutmuch modification for many children,there's going to be some children whodon't respond as well as we might hope.And so this is wherewe need to think about individuals.And a term we use in English,is the 'bottleneck',what might be a bottleneckto actually accessingthat help; and there's variousthings that might be going on there -some interesting research by a researcherwho's Stephanie Al Otaiba inthe States where she's reallylooking at what are thecharacteristics ... of students whowe expect to respond to phonics butyet are responding either very,very slowly or sometimes not at all.... we haven't got allthe answers for this yet.But there's definitely thingsthat her research suggestswe can think about -and research by others too.So, for example,there may be some children whereactually their oral language is sodepressed that they're actually ...because they're not understandingthe words that you're using inthe phonics program, it's limiting theiraccess and their ability to learn things.So does that -would that mean perhaps that you need tohave some oral language vocabulary backup,maybe a slightly more intensive levelthan you do with other children?It might be that a childis say in a small group for phonics, andthey're having it every daybut the they could have perhaps somuch tension about maybe one ofthe students in the group or they may evenfeel actually they don't belong in thisgroup, so they may be there in body butthey actually may be quite tuned out; andso with that kind of studentit's thinking, well, how can I actuallyget them to engage with the content?Can I change the compositionof the groups?Should this, will the students actuallydo best in a one to one situation?So ... is the barrier actuallythe emotional response rather thanthe teaching approach itself?And then also students could already betelling themselves thatthey can't do this.So that again it could be another kind ofpsychological barrier, so you might wantto think about, 'well can I, as well asdoing the multisensory phonics, are thereways that I can present this that mightfeel like it's not just the same -reading - the same sense of failure?'Can you present things digitally orusing text that a student may beparticularly motivated to read.So, I think one of the challenges butalso one of the kind ofjoys of doing this work is this,this opportunity to be a detective.We're giving youthe basics of best practicebut as a teacher,you can never rely on one thing -you need to be having a look,collecting data.'Is this working?And if not, what are some ofthe broader factors that might bemeaning that this doesn't work?'Both things that the childbrings to the table,... their wider set of skills,things that the environment brings;the other children, the teacher,particular aspects of a phonics program.So always be ... kind of keeping allthese, all these thoughts in mind.And hopefully in that way,you can best tailor your approachto the child(ren) and help themreally reach their potential. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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