51183-ww-1, MAKITA Budowa, Instrukcje serwisowe
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->TECHNICAL INFORMATIONSubjectFor ModelsDescriptionAddition of sponge sheet to handle9005B, 9006B, 9005BS (Disc Grinders)51183As illustrated below, sponge sheet has been added against damage to power supply cord.CurrentU.S.A., Guam, Canada,Australia, Netherlands,United Kingdom, Italy,Greece, Austria, Finland,France, New Zealand,Reunion, Algeria0 ~ 2mmNewSponge sheet0 ~ 2mmHandle LOther countries0 ~ 2mmSponge sheet0 ~ 5mmHandle LInterchangeability(I/C)Item No.44Current partHadle set182418-8Q'ty1New partHadle set182853-0Q'ty I/C1<=NoteU.S.A., Guam, Canada,Australia, Netherlands,United Kingdom, Italy,Greece, Austria, Finland,France, New Zealand,Reunion, AlgeriaOther countris4444Hadle set181346-41Hadle set182854-8Sponge sheet421565-311<=NoteInterchangeability mark : <= means that the new part can be substituted for the current. The current handle set can be used forreplacement when you paste the sponge sheet to it. The new handle set is supplied to you with the sponge sheet pasted.Implementation9005B : From serial No.1179869E9006B : From serial No.90021E9005BS : From your next order
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